Saturday, April 29, 2006

Wii are not amused

Admittedly, I have never been on the cutting edge of the gaming industry - traditionally waiting a couple of years to purchase the newest system when prices have dropped. However, in the past few years, I have attained a level of financial comfortable that allows me to splurge on occasion. With the newest iteration of "next-gen" consoles, I had intended to do just that. While the Playstation 3 had been the focus of my lustful desires, I had also planned on acquiring an Xbox 360 and quite possibly the innovative gaming platform that Nintendo had been working on. A platform with the codename: Revolution. A placeholder name that they repeatedly indicated was not permanent.

I can understand that Nintendo was a bit reluctant to cling this particular name, since it was lagging behind the other new consoles in terms of performance levels and graphical capabilities. Perhaps it didn't feel that it was really doing anything "revolutionary." Then again, when considering their unique controller-design and virtual console (through which users could purchase and play a variety of legacy gaming platforms from the original NES to the Sega Genesis and even the TurboGrafx 16) one could argue that the "Revolution" moniker was well-deserved.

Whatever their reason for desiring a name change, I find it hard to justify their newest decision. The Wii (pronounced "wee"). My first thought was that this was some kind of April Fool's stunt, even though it was 26 days to late. An actual visit to the official website, though, proved my darkest fears.

Now, I'm no advertising guru. I don't even have a marketing degree (it's actually a Literature degree with minor in Mathematics). But I have worked in the marketing industry for almost four years now, and one thing I've learned - keep it simple. This is a lesson that my own company could learn. Case in point, our company logo.

After working at my employer for almost a year, I was at a dinner party where a client asked me what our company logo was supposed to be. I had to tell her that I had no idea. Neither did anyone on my team. It was only after this client had stumbled around the party (I should probably mention she was pretty hammered) for twenty or so minutes that she came back up to me to tell me what it was. Even then, a simple description still didn't bring it in to clarity; she had to physically point out to me (as someone had done for her) the exact nature of the logo before my brain could translate it from a mess of dots and squiggles into a recognizable image. In the intervening years, I have done the same for coworkers and clients - none of whom have ever been able to figure out what our logo is independently.

I'm certain that back when our firm was founded, someone said, "Hey this is trendy. We should do this. It's full of subtext and meaning." I have no doubt that someone at Nintendo said the same thing about Wii. In fact, that's exactly what they said.

"Introducing ... Wii. As in "we." While the code-name "Revolution" expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer. Wii will break down that wall that separates video game players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their games ... and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?"

"Wii sounds like 'we,' which emphasizes this console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii."

"Wii has a distinctive "ii" spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of video games that sets it apart from the crowd."

"So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because, it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything."

When a metaphor is simple (pen= sword, dove = peace, snake = guile) it works. When a metaphor is more complex (white dress = 19th century abolitionist movement in Greyhaven, Massachusetts just east of Westchester) it has to struggle to be effective. If you're reading a novel, watching a movie/play or even listening to a song on the radio, the author has a greater opportunity to help you understand and perceive the message they are communicating - assuming they are trying to send a message.

In marketing/advertising though, you've got one, brief moment to interest your potential customer. You need something that's short, sweet and to the point. If you have to explain what the hell your product name/brand/logo means, you're already fighting a losing battle.

Essentially, Nintendo has chosen to use a textual abstract painting to name its new gaming platform - the same stroke of genius that led Prince to change his name to a symbol. I mean "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince."

Really? He's going by Prince again, huh?

...Go figure.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Josh = Jerk

Josh Is a Jerk

(A play in two parts)

Cast of Characters

Josh: Me
Rob: Sports-obsessed Irishman
Amie: Short, spite-filled...that's about it
Kyle: Tree-hugging, crunchy-granola-eating hippie

Male Desk Attendant
Female Desk Attendant #1
Female Desk Attendant #2

Scene I

Setting - Night time, almost midnight. A hotel lobby, boasting a checkin counter and a television with women's college basketball.

Josh: Hey Rob, what room is Kyle in?

(Rob continues to stare at the television)

Rob! What room is Kyle in?

Rob: Um...I think it's 212.

Josh: Cool.

Amie: Why do you need to know what room Kyle is in?

Josh: Just watch. (Walks over to the checkin counter)

Hi, I'm Kyle Perkins - in Room 212. I was wondering if I could get a wakeup call for 3:45?

Male Desk Attendant: Oh, I don't think I can do that.

Josh: You don't think you can do that?

Male Desk Attendant: No. That's a bit much. I don't think I could do that to somebody.

Female Desk Attendant #1:You could always set your alarm clock.

Josh: Um...Is there a way I can get the alarm clock to go off at two different times?

Male Desk Attendant: Oh, uh, I don't think so.

Female Desk Attendant #1
: You could set it, and then we could call you after 15 minutes to make sure that you got up.

: Okay. I think that would work. So there's no way to get the alarm clock to go off twice? 'Cause that would honestly work best.

Male Desk Attendant
: I just don't know. Uhhh...

Female Desk Attendant #1
: Hold on. (Pulls out a sheet of paper)

So what time do you want us to call you?

: Could you call at 3:45?

Female Desk Attendant #2
: Why don't we call at 3:00, then you wouldn't get any sleep.

: Hah! Tell me about it.

Female Desk Attendant #1
: Okay...3:45. What other time do you need us to call?

: Oh, I can just set my alarm for the other one. The one call should be fine. Thanks.

Female Desk Attendant #1
: Have a good night sir.

: I will.


Scene II

Rob: So, do you think Kyle enjoyed his wake up call?

Josh: I don't know. I thought that he was going to call me...or show up at my room and take a swing at me.

Rob: I'm surprised that we all didn't get calls... (Kyle walks up behind him) 3:46, 3:47 and 3:48... (Sees Kyle)

...Uh, ccompletely forget what I was just saying.

Josh: Hey, Kyle, you're looking a little rough

Kyle: (Grunts)

Josh: So you got a pretty good night's sleep?

Kyle: No. These idiots screwed up my wakeup call.

Josh: Really?

Kyle: Yeah, I told them to call me at 6:45 and they called me at 3:45.

Josh: Snap!

Kyle: My phone was ringing, and when I answered it, they said - "This is your 3:45 wakeup call." And I was like, "Um, I asked for a 6:45 wakeup call, not 3:45."

"Oh, sorry, sir."

Josh: Man, that sucks. I can't believe that they screwed it up that badly. You should have words with somebody about that.