Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Snowman: A Haiku

As part of the communication training I received today, we were also instructed to write a description of a snowman. The intent was to demonstrate the variance between the communication styles of the different personality profiles - one the feeling group wrote a creative story about the snowman hitting on a snowwoman; one of the sensing group wrote a piece lamenting the loss of summer to the freezing onslaught of winter; one of the analytical group wrote a description of a snowman, including size, shape, component structure; etc.

However, after I had read my piece to the group, the instructor told me that my particular description was unclassifiable.

With no further ado, I give you...

The Snowman: A Haiku

Run and hide, children
Evil Snowman can't be stopped
Get a flamethrower!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unclassifiable? That is hilarious!